Assistive Technology Network

What is an AT Team?

"If you want transformation in the way you approach AT in your district or state, get ready to let go of your fears, doubts, frustrations, disappointments, and everything else that could get in the way of dreaming big to build AT capacity—to enable the next evolution of AT services."

Decoste and Bowser, 2020, p.107

Many school divisions, schools, and programs in Virginia have Assistive Technology (AT) Teams that:

  • support professional development in assistive and inclusive technology for professionals, students and families,
  • coach others in using decision-making processes for AT consideration and assessment,
  • assist students, professionals and families in accessing and advocating for AT within their division, and
  • help build the division’s capacity to provide AT to students with disabilities so they can achieve success and independence and fully participate in general education.

These teams may go by names such as Assistive Technology Teams (AT Team), Inclusive Practices/Assistive Technology Teams (IPAT Team), Assistive and Instructional Technology Teams, or AT Facilitation Teams. Team membership represents general and special education, related services, instructional technology, administration, and others interested in promoting policies, procedures and professional learning to ensure that students have access to needed inclusive and assistive technology devices and services.